QADRI et al. v. BEYERS et al. v. BATLOGG et al. - Page 37

               Interference No. 101,981                                                                                               

               The Cases For Priority                                                                                                 
               Alleged Dates Of Conception And Reduction To Practice                                                                  
                       Having analyzed the requirements for conception and reduction to practice in light of the                      
               parties’ arguments, we now turn to the parties’ briefs to determine what dates of conception and                       
               reduction to practice they believe they are entitled to.  We reproduce the following statements in                     
               this regard:                                                                                                           

               Qadri: “A. NRL conceived of the invention on March 2, 1987.” QB 40, line 3. “B. The Party                              
               Qadri reduced the invention to practice sometime during the period of April 6, 1987 to April 10,                       
               1987.” QB 55, line 19-21. “C. The party Qadri was reasonably diligent, from March 2, 1987 until                        
               reduction to practice.” QB 57, lines 15-16.                                                                            

               Beyers: “It is submitted that the above section of this brief proves conclusively that the party                       
               Beyers et al had a complete, corroborated conception of the invention by the morning of March                          
               3, 1987, and with all possible diligence actually reduced to practice with corroboration no later                      
               than March 6, 1987.” BeB 24, lines 7-12.                                                                               

               Batlogg: “13. Thus, by the evening of Sunday, March 1, 1987 Cava et al. clearly had conceived                          
               and simultaneously reduced to practice the invention as defined by the count (see, for instance                        

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