QADRI et al. v. BEYERS et al. v. BATLOGG et al. - Page 38

               Interference No. 101,981                                                                                               

               BaR p.257, ¶ 17). Corroboration is provided . . . .” BaB 16-18. “As described in detail in section                     
               VI above, Batlogg had achieved simultaneous conception and reduction to practice on the                                
               evening of March 1, 1987. . . .”  BaB 46, lines 3-4.                                                                   
                       The parties therefore allege the following dates of conception and reduction to practice                       
               with the proper diligence from conception to reduction to practice:                                                    
                       Conception – March 2, 1987                                                                                     
                       Reduction to Practice – sometime during the period of April            6-10, 1987                              
                       Conception – March 3, 1987                                                                                     
                       Reduction to Practice – March 6, 1987                                                                          
                       Conception – March 1, 1987                                                                                     
                       Reduction to Practice – March 1, 1987                                                                          


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