QADRI et al. v. BEYERS et al. v. BATLOGG et al. - Page 71

          Interference No. 101,981                                                   

          Batlogg's declaration testimony and were filed with the                    
          declaration testimony.  Batlogg points out in his opposition to            
          the motion that rule § 1.672(b), which relates to affidavit or             
          declaration testimony, states that a party shall not be entitled           
          to rely on a document referred to in the affidavit unless a copy           
          of the document is filed with the affidavit.  Batlogg urges that           
          he has complied with the requirements of 37 C.F.R. § 1.672(b).             
          We agree with Batlogg that exhibits which are referred to in the           
          declaration testimony and are duly filed with the declaration              
          testimony have been offered into evidence according to the rules,          
          and we will not suppress such documents on the ground that they            
          have not been offered into evidence.                                       
               Beyers also urges that Batlogg Exhibits BX-1, BX-3, BX-4,             
          BX-5, BX-9, BX-10, BX-14 and BX-15 are incompetent because they            
          had portions missing from them.  The motion would have been                
          denied to the extent that it urges that the Batlogg exhibits               
          should be suppressed because portions of the exhibits were                 
          redacted. As pointed out by Batlogg in his opposition, Batlogg             
          "relied only on those portions of notebooks and records of                 
          experiments that were deemed relevant to this interference."  We           
          will not suppress documents merely because portions are redacted,          
          provided that the opposing parties are free to inspect the                 


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