QADRI et al. v. BEYERS et al. v. BATLOGG et al. - Page 75

          Interference No. 101,981                                                   

          57).  However, since we have not relied on these exhibits or that          
          portion of Beyers’ reply brief, in reaching our decision, this             
          motion is dismissed.                                                       
          Motion QM2                                                                 
              Qadri (paper no. 217(2)) moves under 37 C.F.R. § 1.656(h)              
          “to exclude from evidence all testimony by Dr. Stuart S. P.                
          Parkin and Robert B. Beyers relating to magnetization tests of             
          sample 4 and sample 5, and testimony based on these tests, which           
          has been offered into evidence by the Party Beyers et al.”                 
          Samples 4 and 5 are two in a series of samples of 1-2-3                    
          superconductor material that Beyers prepared in accordance with            
          Batlogg’s specification but under various cooling conditions (BeR          
          467-9).  Based on Parkin’s Declaration (BeR 506), for example,             
          Beyers concludes that % superconductivity cannot be determined             
          from x-ray diffraction data.  Beyers relies on diamagnetic                 
          shielding susceptibility and electrical resistivity data instead.          
          Qadri seeks to obtain the underlying data substantiating these             
          conclusions which they say they have not received.                         
              Beyers filed an opposition (paper no. 228) stating that                
          Qadri has been given all the diamagnetic shielding susceptibility          
          information they need to calculate the % superconductivity of the          


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