QADRI et al. v. BEYERS et al. v. BATLOGG et al. - Page 77

         Interference No. 101,981                                                    

               the cooling rate of the oven according to the Beyers                  
               teachings, did meet the count.                                        
         See also Batlogg’s brief (BaB 45):                                          
         Dr. Parkin’s diamagnetic shielding measurements are                         
         inherently incapable of determining whether at least 90% of any             
         1-2-3 sample has orthorhombic crystal structure.                            
               Although we dismiss the motion because our decision does not          
         depend on discrepancies in results obtained from different tests            
         for evaluating purity, we see no good reason why Beyers should              
         withhold data critical to the issue of whether a party had                  
         conceived or actually reduced to practice a composition                     
         consisting of Ortho I structure.  Had we had the need to address            
         that issue to determine priority, we would have granted Qadri’s             

         Motion QM3                                                                  
               Qadri (paper no. 217(3)) moves under 37 C.F.R. § 1.656(h)             
         “to exclude from evidence Exhibit BX13, which has been offered              
         into evidence by the Party Batlogg et al.”  This exhibit, which             
         is in Batlogg’s record (Batlogg Exhibit BX13), includes a letter            
         dated August 9, 1991, from Beyers to Qadri (and sent to Batlogg).           
         It states that Beyers:                                                      
               have no x-ray measurements made on the materials listed in            
               the middle of page 4 of the application.  We did find an x-           
               ray analysis for a sample of Y 1Ba2CuOy.  The analysis was            

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