QADRI et al. v. BEYERS et al. v. BATLOGG et al. - Page 83

         Interference No. 101,981                                                    

               We agree with Qadri that their statement in their                     
         Preliminary Motions of March 14, 1989 (paper no. 39, p. 15) put             
         Beyers and the APJ on notice that a divisional application                  
         directed to the restricted out method claims would be further               
         prosecuted.  Although the APJ did not consent in writing to the             
         subsequent prosecution of the method claims, we do not see that             
         this was necessary.  As is stated in the MPEP (2315.01):                    
             Where an application involved in an interference includes, in           
             addition to the subject matter of the interference, a                   
             separate and divisible invention, prosecution of the second             
             invention may be had during the pendency of the interference            
             by filing a divisional application for the second invention .           
             . . .                                                                   
         The only constraint is that, if the claims in the divisional                
         application are broader than the subject matter claimed in the              
         interfering application, a patent to the divisible claims may not           
         issue.  MPEP § 2315.01.  Beyers has not shown this to be the                
         case. For this reason, Qadri is not in violation of § 1.615.                
               Furthermore, Beyers is asking for relief that we cannot               
         grant.  We have no authority to request Qadri to disclaim subject           
         matter of Qadri’s noninvolved patent.  Our jurisdiction is                  
         limited to those patents which are in interference and to claims            
         which correspond to the count.  We do not have that situation               
         here and there is nothing on the record to show that Beyers moved           


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