QADRI et al. v. BEYERS et al. v. BATLOGG et al. - Page 74

         Interference No. 101,981                                                    

         35 U.S.C. § 112 of Batlogg’s claimed composition.                           

         Motion QM1                                                                  
               Qadri (paper no. 217(1)) moves under 37 C.F.R. § 1.656(h)             
         “to exclude from evidence the following exhibits which have been            
         offered into evidence by the Party Beyers et al: Exhibit Be 34,             
         Exhibit Be 35, and Exhibit Be 36.  These exhibits were submitted            
         by Beyers during Qadri’s rebuttal for the purpose of impeaching             
         Qadri witness Lloyd. In her declaration (QR 647-8), Lloyd stated            
         that based on her “experience, a standard single step calcination           
         procedure as described in the IBM application . . . does not                
         produce phase orthorhombic, superconducting Ba 2YCu3O7.”  To                
         contradict Lloyd’s opinion, Beyers (QR 870-1) submitted                     
         publications (Exhibits Be 34-36).  Qadri objected to their                  
         introduction during the rebuttal testimony period and hereby                
         moves under 37 C.F.R. §1.656(h) on the grounds that Beyers’                 
         exhibits were not identified and not used to impeach Lloyd; Qadri           
         indicates that no question was asked of Lloyd as to whether the             
         exhibits contradicted her opinion.  Beyers filed an opposition              
         (paper no. 228) and Qadri filed a Reply (paper no. 242).  We note           
         that Beyers mentions these exhibits in their reply brief (BeRB              


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