QADRI et al. v. BEYERS et al. v. BATLOGG et al. - Page 78

         Interference No. 101,981                                                    

               performed on March 10, 1987 and a copy is enclosed.                   
         The March 10 x-ray diagram is enclosed but Qadri objects to it              
         because, among other reasons, it has never been authenticated               
         (i.e., "no foundation has been laid for it"), and there is no               
         record of the sample from which the x-ray was taken.  Beyers (BaR           
         374) themselves objected to this exhibit (see motion to suppress            
         evidence under 37 C.F.R. §§ 1.635 and 1.657(h); paper no. 220(2)            
         – see motion (6) below).  Batlogg filed an opposition (paper no.            
         226) to this motion to which Qadri has filed a reply (paper no.             
         240).  We note that Batlogg relies on Exhibit BX13 (BaB 45) to              
         argue that Beyers had a date of conception and reduction to                 
         practice no earlier than March 10, 1987.  This motion is                    
         therefore relevant to Beyers case for priority.                             
               The motion is dismissed as moot as to BX-13 because we have           
         not considered BX-13 in reaching our decision.                              

         WHETHER QADRI ENGAGED IN INEQUITABLE CONDUCT                                
               Batlogg has raised an issue (BaI3) and filed a Motion ( BaM1)         
         for Judgment against Qadri under § 1.633(a)(paper no. 195) on               
         grounds that Qadri’s claims that correspond to the count are not            
         patentable to Qadri due to Qadri’s inequitable conduct.                     
         Batlogg’s motion and a supplement to the motion were filed (April           


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