MORRISON et al. V. MANNHEIMER et al. - Page 56

          Interference No. 103,197                                                      

          DC red and DC infrared are two of the quantities detected by                  
          an oximeter and used to calculate omega (S), the other two                    
          values being AC red and AC infrared: 82                                       
                    S =        ACred/DCred  =  MDred                                    
                         ACIR/DCIR  MDIR                                                
          The relationship between omega and oxygen saturation is                       
          represented by the graph at page 12 of Buschmann's brief.                     
               Falkowski testified  that when he constructed the83                                                   
          Morrison test apparatus without using glue to connect the ends                
          of the optical fibers to the LEDs and photodiode of the                       
          modified Nellcor finger probe, he measured shunt light values                 
          of 18 nW red and 33 nW infrared, whereas when he placed a                     
          black absorbing hard foam between the emitter and receiver, he                
          obtained values of 0 mV [sic, nW] red and 0 mV [sic, nW]                      
          infrared.  These 18 nW (red) and 33 nW (infrared) values are                  
          much higher than the 3 nW of light that Falkowski measured as                 
          passing through the tissue under "optimal coupling                            

            B.Br. 12.82                                                                       
            BR 24.83                                                                       
                                        - 53 -                                          

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