Ex parte PHAN et al. - Page 8

          Appeal No. 2000-0433                                                        
          Application 08/741,070                                                      

          of cross-linked silicone instead of silicon would lead to                   
          unexpected results.  However, claim 16 is dependent on claim                
          14 which, like claim 1, recites the step of securing the lens               
          bonding region free of enlarged anchor structure to the optic               
          member.  As we have discussed above, it is our view that this               
          step is not disclosed in either Korgel or Kaplan.  As such, we              
          will not sustain this rejection.                                            
               We turn lastly to the examiner’s rejection of claim 20                 
          under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable over Korgel in                  
          view of Doyle.                                                              
               In support of this rejection the examiner states:                      
               Korgel et al meets the claim language, but fails to                    
               disclose a step of forming a recess without removing                   
               material as claimed.  Doyle et al, however, teaches that               
               it has been known to use the same technique of forming a               
               recess as is set forth in the present specification.                   
               That is, a needle is used to puncture a hole into the                  
               lens; see Col. 8, lines 1-7 and Col. 12, lines 5-9 . . .               
               it would have been obvious to use the needle puncturing                
               technique of Doyle et al on Korgel’s lens for the same                 
               reasons Doyle et al uses the same and because it would                 
               not leave any removed particulate                                      
               matter near to hole as drilling would.[examiner’s                      
               answer at page 5-6]                                                    
               The appellants argue that if one of ordinary skill in the              
          art were to combine Korgel and Doyle, the lens bonding regions              


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