Ex parte NOHREN et al. - Page 7

          Appeal No. 2000-0895                                                        
          Application No. 08/754,797                                                  

               The cartridge 238 [shown in Figure 7] is principally                   
               intended as a purifier and would not normally be                       
               used with water containing large amounts of                            
               suspended particles.  For such conditions, the                         
               cartridge 192 [shown in Figure 6] could be                             
               The appellants, on the other hand, argue (main brief,                  
          pages 10-13) that motivation is lacking for combining the                   
          teachings of Magnusson and either Parker or Knight along the                
          lines of claims 22, 28 or 42.                                               
               As both the examiner and the appellants recognize,                     
          obviousness cannot be established by combining the teachings                
          of the prior art to produce the claimed invention, absent some              
          teaching, suggestion or incentive supporting the combination.               
          The extent to which such suggestion must be explicit in, or                 
          may be fairly inferred from, the references is decided on the               
          facts of each case, in light of the prior art and its                       
          relationship to                                                             

          the appellants’ invention.  As in all determinations under                  
          35 U.S.C. § 103, the decision maker must bring judgment to                  


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