RAPOPORT V. DEMENT et al. - Page 42

          Interference 102,760                                                        
               A panel of this board has decided priority, determining                
          that "Rapoport has lost the priority contest and is not                     
          entitled to his claims corresponding to the count."  Paper No.              
          112, p. 18.  One outstanding motion remains, a motion for                   
          judgment under 37 CFR � 1.633(a), wherein Rapoport moves for                
          judgment on the ground that claims 1-13 of Dement et al.                    
          ("Dement") application 07/695,325, corresponding to Count 1,                
          are not patentable to Dement.  See Paper No. 52.  The issue                 
          raised by that motion, and the sole issue currently before                  
          this panel, is whether Rapoport has shown that claims 1-13 of               
          the Dement application are unpatentable under 35 U.S.C. �                   
          102(f).  I agree with the decision, reached by the majority,                
          that junior party Rapoport has not sustained its burden of                  
          establishing improper inventorship of the Dement application                
          and add the following comments thereto.                                     
               According to the record in this interference, the                      
          contributions of Dement, Rosekind and Schwimmer to the                      
          invention of claims 1-13 in Dement application 07/695,325                   
          include (majority opinion, pp. 10-12):                                      
               D.   "For all claims in which . . . Dement is                          
               identified as an inventor in response to                               
               Interrogatory No. 1 [(RI 1)], his contribution                         
               to the conception of the invention was his                             
               concept, as disclosed to Wesley Seidel prior to                        
               April 1986, of a method for treatment of sleep                         

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