RAPOPORT V. DEMENT et al. - Page 40

          Interference 102,760                                                        
               FURTHER ORDERED that judgment on priority as to Count 1                
          is awarded in favor of senior party WILLIAM C. DEMENT, MARK R.              
          ROSEKIND and JEFFREY L. SCHWIMMER;                                          
               FURTHER ORDERED that, on the record before the Board of                
          Patent Appeals and Interferences, senior party WILLIAM C.                   
          DEMENT, MARK R. ROSEKIND and JEFFREY L. SCHWIMMER, is entitled              
          to a patent containing Claims 1-13 (corresponding to Count 1)               
          of Application 07/695,325, filed May 3, 1991; and                           
               FURTHER ORDERED that, on the record before the Board of                
          Patent Appeals and Interferences, junior party DAVID M.                     
          RAPOPORT, is not entitled to a patent containing Claims 1-12                
          of Application 07/479,693, filed February 14, 1990.                         
               It is                                                                  
               ORDERED that if there is a settlement and it has not                   
          already been filed, attention is directed to 35 U.S.C. §                    
          135(c) and                                                                  
          37 CFR § 1.661; and                                                         
               FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this decision be given an               
          appropriate paper number and entered into the file records of               
          Applications 07/695,325 and 07/479,693.                                     


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