RAPOPORT V. DEMENT et al. - Page 33

          Interference 102,760                                                        
          April 12, 1996 (Paper No. 112), p. 9, first full para.).                    
               Not only has Rapoport failed to show that the joint                    
          inventors named in Application 07/695,325 for the subject                   
          matter claimed are improper under 35 U.S.C. § 116 and Claims                
          1-13 of Application 07/695,325 are unpatentable under 35                    
          U.S.C. § 102(f), but Rapoport also has not shown that the                   
          Board erred in its decision awarding priority of the invention              
          defined by the count of this interference to senior party                   
          Dement et al. based on Dement’s earlier conception of a method              
          for treatment of sleep apneas comprising administration of a                
          therapeutically effective regimen of buspirone to a patient in              
          need of such treatment (Papers No. 112 and 122).  Therefore,                
          we will not sua sponte reject any of the claims pending in                  
          Dement et al. Application 07/695,325 as being unpatentable                  
          under 35 U.S.C. § 102(g)/103(a).  In that the Board denied                  
          Rapoport’s Second Motion To Accept Belated Filing Of                        
          Preliminary Motion Under 37 CFR 1.633(a)(Paper No. 63)(Paper                
          No. 112, pp. 17-18, bridging para.) and dismissed Rapoport’s                
          Motion For Judgment Under 37 CFR 1.633(a) (Paper No. 64)(Paper              
          No. 112, p. 18, first full para.), our consideration of the                 
          patentability issues for final hearing is complete.                         
          6.   Decisions on Miscellaneous Motions                                     


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