RAPOPORT V. DEMENT et al. - Page 29

          Interference 102,760                                                        
               -- each inventor must contribute to the joint arrival at               
               a definite and permanent idea of the invention as it will              
               be used in practice.                                                   
          In this case, there is ample evidence to reasonably support                 
          the proposition that persons skilled in this unpredictable art              
          would not have considered Dement’s conception alone to                      
          adequately enable persons having ordinary skill in the art to               
          make and use the full scope of the invention claimed without                
          the disclosure                                                              
          of an effective therapeutic amount of at least one drug found               
          effective for treating sleep apneas.                                        
               The evidence shows that Schwimmer recommended to Dement                
          that he undertake a pilot study of buspirone and sleep apnea                
          before any serious consideration for funding could be given.                
          “Rosekind, who worked with Dr. Dement, called me on May 24,                 
          1989 saying that they were serious about undertaking this                   
          pilot study, and in August, his first patient, a 62-year old                
          male with sleep apnea, was studied” (Record of the Party                    
          Dement (RD), p. 9, Declaration of Jeffrey L. Schwimmer, para.               
          8; Dement Exhibit 8, para. 5).  The evidence presented to                   
          Richard P. Ryan, a registered patent agent, at minimum                      
          suggested that “Dr. Schwimmer had worked with Drs. Dement and               
          Rosekind . . . in reducing . . . [Dr. Dement’s concept] to                  

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