RAPOPORT V. DEMENT et al. - Page 36

          Interference 102,760                                                        
          identified and their significance was discussed with                        
          particularity by the parties in Rapoport’s written                          
          interrogatories and requests for production of documents and                
          the comments and submissions of party Dement et al. in                      
          response thereto (e.g., see Copies of Written interrogatories               
          and Answers Thereto Being Introduced Into Evidence (RR 060-                 
          077)) and Rapoport’s motion.  Accordingly, party Dement et al.              
          has not shown that it has been prejudiced by the Board’s                    
          consideration of any of the criticized exhibits and/or                      
          documentary evidence or burdened by any considerable                        
          difficulty in presenting and evaluating the evidence relevant               
          to the issues presented by this interference, the apparent                  
          focus of 37 CFR §1.671(f)(Motion To Suppress Documentary                    
          Evidence Under 37 C.F.R. §1.635 And §1.656(h)(Paper No. 101),               
          p. 2, Full Statement of the Reasons Why the Relief Requested                
          Should be Granted).                                                         
               B.   Motion To Strike Portions Of Rapoport Brief                       
               Dement et al. filed a Motion To Strike Portions Of                     
          Rapoport Brief (Paper No. 148) on February 20, 1998.  Judge                 
          Sofocleous deferred consideration of the motion to final                    
          hearing (Paper                                                              
          No. 153).                                                                   


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