RAPOPORT V. DEMENT et al. - Page 31

          Interference 102,760                                                        
                    . . . . .                                                         
                    . . . I think I had earlier conversations in terms                
               of agreeing to the design of the pilot study or how many               
               patients and what the time frame would be for the pilot                
               study. . . . I had a part to oversee and make sure that                
               the pilot study had some integrity to it . . . .                       
          (RD, p. 61; Deposition of Jeffrey L. Schwimmer, p. 48, l. 1-                
          Schwimmer’s testimony combined with Rosekind’s description of               
          the amount and kind of experimentation which actually was                   
          performed as part of his clinical study (RD, pp. 73-78;                     
          Declaration of Mark R. Rosekind) and Yost’s description of the              
          same work (RD, pp. 79-84; Declaration of Doug Yost),                        
          reasonably support a finding that undue experimentation would               
          have been required to practice the invention of Claims 1, 2,                
          6, 7 and 13 of Application 07/695,325 without the experimental              
          contributions of Rosekind and Schwimmer.  Moreover, on page 7               
          of the February 7, 1990 memorandum from R.P. Ryan/R.E.                      
          Carnahan to I Jarkovsky entitled “Buspirone in Sleep Apnea                  
          Patent Application: Inventorship/Ownership,” it is observed                 
          that “reduction to practice may not be at all routine and                   
          easily accomplished”                                                        
          (RD, p. 105).                                                               


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