RAPOPORT V. DEMENT et al. - Page 46

          Interference 102,760                                                        
          "therapeutically effective amount" of buspirone in claim 1,6                
          and although not expressly claimed, the dosages are species                 
          within the broad genus of  "a therapeutically effective                     
          amount" of buspirone.  See Dement brief, pp. 11-12.                         
          Therefore, Dement, Schwimmer and Rosekind each contributed to               
          the subject matter of at least one claim of Dement application              
          07/695,325.  Compare Ethicon, 135 F.3d at 1463, 45 USPQ2d at                
          1550-51 ("The contributor of any disclosed means of a means-                
          plus-function claim element is a joint inventor as to that                  
          claim, unless one asserting sole inventorship can show that                 
          the contribution of that means was simply a reduction to                    
          practice of the sole inventor's broader concept.").                         
          Accordingly, there is no violation of 35 U.S.C. § 116, and the              
          motion for judgment against senior party Dement on the grounds              
          that its claims are unpatentable under 35 U.S.C. § 102(f) must              
          fail.  Rapoport has failed to establish otherwise.  See Hess,               
          106 F.3d at 980, 41 USPQ2d at 1785 (the burden of showing                   
          misjoinder must be proved by clear and convincing evidence)                 
          (quoting Garrett, 422 F.2d at 880, 164 USPQ at 526).                        

              6    Claim 1 is the sole independent claim in the Dement               

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