NEMERSON et al. V. EDGINGTON et al. V. LAWN et al. - Page 48

             Interference No. 103,203                                                                          

                   We do not find Dr. Konigsberg’s statements establish that Nemerson et al. were in           
             possession of a species within the scope of Count 2 on February 3 (or 4), 1987.                   
                   First, Dr. Konigsberg is a co-inventor and, thus, his statements require independent        
             corroboration.  Price v. Symsek, 988 F.2d 1187, 1195, 26 USPQ2d 1031, 1037 (Fed. Cir.             
             1993); Hahn v. Wong, 892 F.2d 1028, 1032-33, 13 USPQ2d 1313, 1317 (Fed. Cir. 1989).               
             Second, Dr. Konigsberg does not provide any explanation as to the ambiguity which was             
             said to exist, which sequencing gels needed to be re-run, where the G compression was,            
             what sequencing error he is referring to, etc.  Thus, since Dr. Konigsberg fails to (i) point     
             any factual evidence to support his position, and (ii) explain precisely what experiments         
             remained to be done, we find that his testimony consists of broad generalizations and             
             conclusions.  Third, in our view, Dr. Konigsberg’s statement that from re-running the             
             sequencing gels they hoped to confirm the length of the mature tissue factor protein              
             indicates that further research was necessary to determine the complete and correct               
             nucleotide sequence of said protein.  Thus, we find that Dr. Konigsberg’s affidavit is            
             inconsistent with Dr. Bach’s testimony and, if anything, evinces that the Nemerson et al. co-     
             inventors were not in possession of a complete and                                                
             correct nucleotide sequence encoding human tissue factor from about residue 1 to 263 on           
             February 3, 1987.                                                                                 

                   As we understand Fact 43, Nemerson et al. are relying on the testimony of Drs.              
             Bloem and Lin, two research scientists in Dr. Konigsberg’s laboratory, to corroborate Dr.         
             Bach’s communication                                                                              


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