NEMERSON et al. V. EDGINGTON et al. V. LAWN et al. - Page 49

             Interference No. 103,203                                                                          

                   to others working on the tissue factor project that he had determined that (a) full         
                   length, mature tissue factor consisted of 263 amino acids, (b) the sequence of a            
                   nucleotide molecule encoding the complete amino acid sequence of full length,               
                   mature tissue factor from amino acid 1 to amino acid 263, and (c) the complete              
                   amino acid sequence for full length, mature tissue factor from amino acid 1 to              
                   amino acid 263 [Nemerson Brief, p. 20, Fact 43].                                            
                  Nemerson et al. point to Dr. Bloem’s statement that                                         
                   In early February 1987, following a regular Wednesday lab meeting for the tissue            
                   factor project, I received information from Dr. Ronald Bach (“Dr. Bach”) indicating         
                   that he had determined that no significant gaps remained in the nucleotide                  
                   sequence encoding mature human tissue factor that had been compiled in the                  
                   laboratory of Dr. Konigsberg [NR 174, para. 5].                                             

             Dr. Bloem further testifies that she called Dr. Spicer at home after the meeting to inform        
             her that this milestone had been reached.  NR 174, para. 6.                                       
                   Nemerson et al. also point to Dr. Lin’s statement that in January or February 1987,         
             he attended a lab meeting for the tissue factor project and that he                               
                   received information from Dr. Bach indicating that a complete nucleotide sequence           
                   encoding the full length mature human tissue factor had been determined and that            
                   the identity and order of all of the encoded amino acids to full length mature human        
                   tissue factor, from amino acid 1 to amino acid 263 had been identified.  NR 2861-           
                   2861, para. 3.                                                                              
                   We find Nemerson et al.’s reliance on these statements to be misplaced.  First,  Dr.        
             Bach is not a co-inventor and, thus, his testimony does not require corroboration.  Second,       
             we discussed above, our reasons for finding that Dr. Bach is not a credible witness.  To          
             the extent that Nemerson et al. are relying on the oral testimony of Drs. Bloem and Lin,          
             taken some eight (8) years later, as further evidence that on February 3, 1987, Dr. Bach          
             was in possession of a species within the scope of Count 2, we find their testimony               
             insufficient for several reasons.                                                                 
                   First, neither Dr. Bloem nor Dr. Lin testify as to the actual date of the lab meeting       


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