NEMERSON et al. V. EDGINGTON et al. V. LAWN et al. - Page 51

             Interference No. 103,203                                                                          

             acid sequence represented by Figure 1 [of Edgington’s patent] from about residue 1 to             
             about residue 263, on the date alleged; i.e., February 3, 1987.  To the contrary, as pointed      
             out by Edgington et al., Nemerson et al. were still trying to determine the correct nucleotide    
             sequence as late as February 14, 1987.  NR 1958-1970.  Accordingly, since this date is            
             two days after the critical date; i.e., February 12, 1987, we hold that Nemerson et al. have      
             not established an actual reduction to practice of an invention within the scope of Count 2       
             prior to the effective filing date accorded Lawn et al.  Thus, Lawn et al. as senior party must   

             Nemerson et al. v. Edgington et al.                                                               
                   In view of our decision with respect to Nemerson et al. and Edgington et al. and            
             their respective failure to establish actual reduction to practice of a nucleotide sequence       
             within the scope of the count prior to Lawn et al.’s effective filing date of February 12,        
             1987, the case for priority between Nemerson et al. and Edgington et al. is now moot.             

                   In view of the foregoing, judgment of the subject matter of the count is awarded to         
             senior party to RICHARD M. LAWN, GORDON A. VEHAR and KAREN L. WION and                            
             against junior party, YALE NEMERSON, WILLIAM H. KONIGSBERG and ELEANOR K.                         


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