Ex parte CHOPRA et al. - Page 13

          Appeal No. 1997-0569                                                        
          Application No. 08/150,559                                                  

          conclusion, we agree with the examiner that it would have been              
          obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art at the time of                  
          appellants’ invention to select a known proper size for the                 
          roofing granules of Wright, which size of roofing granules                  
          would fall within the apparently standard size range broadly                
          set forth in appellants’ claims 19 through 22 on appeal.                    
          Appellants’ specification (page 5, lines 3-10) does at least                
          imply that the sizing of roofing granules is within the skill               
          level of one of ordinary skill in the art, and Wright                       
          discloses (col. 1, lines 7-10), or at least suggests, that                  
          roofing granule manufacturers have “properly graded” or sized               
          roofing granules for many years.  Again, we note that the                   
          patentability of a product-by-process claim is based on the                 
          product itself, and such claim is unpatentable over a product               
          made obvious by the prior art even if the product of the claim              
          is made by a different process.  Thus, absent evidence by                   
          appellants to show that the granules of claims 19 and 21 on                 
          appeal or the roofing material of claims 20 and 22 are in any               
          way different in kind from the naturally occurring red colored              
          (e.g., iron oxide) rock roofing granules suggested in Wright                
          and Lewis or a roofing material as in Wright which would use                

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