Ex parte CHOPRA et al. - Page 8

          Appeal No. 1997-0569                                                        
          Application No. 08/150,559                                                  

          the granulated slag material, we note that independent claims               
          7 and 13 on appeal are “product-by-process” claims and that,                
          in our opinion, the product-by-process limitations therein do               
          not serve to distinguish the claimed product (claim 7) or                   
          roofing material (claim 13) from the naturally colored red                  
          (e.g., iron oxide) roofing granules disclosed or suggested in               
          Wright or the prior art roofing material disclosed in Wright                
          that would utilize only naturally occurring red (e.g., iron                 
          oxide) granules as a surface coating on a man-made composition              
          substrate. The patentability of a product-by-process claim is               
          based on the product itself, and such claim is unpatentable                 
          over a product made obvious by the prior art even if the                    
          product of the claim is made by a different process.  See In                
          re Thorpe, 777 F.2d 695, 697, 227 USPQ 964, 966 (Fed. Cir.                  
          1985); In re Brown, 459 F.2d 531, 535, 173 USPQ 685, 688 (CCPA              
          1972); and Ex parte Edwards, 231 USPQ 981, (Bd. Pat. App. &                 
          Int. 1986).  As was indicated by the Court in Brown, 459 F.2d               
          at 535, 173 USPQ at 688:                                                    

               When the prior art discloses a product which                           
               reasonably appears to be either identical with or                      
               only slightly different than a product claimed in a                    

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