Ex parte CHOPRA et al. - Page 2

          Appeal No. 1997-0569                                                        
          Application No. 08/150,559                                                  


               Appellants’ invention relates to a method of preparing                 
          colored roofing granules, a product (i.e., granules) prepared               
          by that method and a roofing material including granules                    
          prepared by that method on a man-made composition substrate.                
          Independent claims 1, 7, 13, 19 and 20 are representative of                
          the subject matter on appeal and a copy of those claims, as                 
          reproduced from the Appendix to appellants’ brief, is attached              
          to this decision.                                                           

          The prior art references of record relied upon by the                       
          examiner as evidence of obviousness of the claimed subject                  
          matter are:                                                                 
          Doherty                       0,927,644                Jul. 13,             
          Wright                        2,092,567                Sep.  7,             
          Lewis et al. (Lewis)          3,341,347                Sep. 12,             

          Additional prior art relied upon by the examiner is                         


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