Ex parte CHOPRA et al. - Page 9

          Appeal No. 1997-0569                                                        
          Application No. 08/150,559                                                  

               product-by-process claim, a rejection based                            
               alternatively on either section 102 or section 103                     
               of the statute is eminently fair and acceptable                        
               [because] [a]s a practical matter, the Patent Office                   
               is not equipped to manufacture products by the                         
               myriad of processes put before it and then obtain                      
               prior art products and make physical comparisons                       

          The burden in this type of situation is on the appellants                   
          to present evidence from which the examiner could reasonably                
          conclude that the claimed product differs in kind from the                  
          product of the prior art, thus demonstrating the unobvious                  
          character of the claimed subject matter (i.e., product) over                
          the cited reference or references.  No such evidence was                    
          offered in this case.  Appellants have provided no evidence to              
          show that the granules of claim 7 on appeal or the roofing                  
          material of claim 13 are in any way different in kind from the              
          naturally occurring red colored (e.g., iron oxide) rock                     
          roofing granules disclosed or suggested in Wright and Lewis or              
          a roofing material as in Wright which would use only those                  
          naturally occurring red rock granules as a coating on a man-                
          made composition substrate.  We see no reason why appellants’               
          artificially produced iron oxide roofing granules or a roofing              
          material using such granules would in any meaningful way be                 

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