Ex parte TROUP-PACKMAN - Page 2

          Appeal No. 1997-2097                                                        
          Application No. 08/191,137                                                  

          aluminum alloy parts with iron so as to allegedly obtain a                  
          product that will satisfy adhesion, hardness and abrasion                   
          requirements without the use of copper cyanide and iron                     
          chloride in the process (specification, pages 1 and 2).  An                 
          understanding of the invention can be derived from a reading                
          of exemplary claim 9, which is reproduced below.                            
          9.   A process for plating aluminum alloy substrates with iron              
          consisting of the following steps, each step followed by a                  
          water rinse:                                                                
               (a) treating said aluminum substrate with a zincate bath               
          to deposit an immersion layer of zinc metal thereon;                        
               (b) plating on said zincate-treated aluminum surface a                 
          layer of nickel from an electroless nickel bath;                            
               (c) electroplating on said nickel layer a layer of iron                
          from an iron sulfate bath; and                                              
               (d) electroplating on said iron layer a layer of tin from              
          an alkaline tin bath,                                                       
               wherein said electroless nickel bath supersedes a copper               
          cyanide bath and said iron sulfate bath supersedes an iron                  
          chloride bath, said electroless nickel bath and said iron                   
          sulfate bath as a first combination being substantially less                
          toxic than said copper cyanide bath and said iron chloride                  
          bath as a second combination.                                               
               The prior art references of record relied upon by the                  
          examiner in rejecting the appealed claims are:                              
          Ninagawa et al. (Ninagawa)    4,221,639           Sep. 09,                  
                                       Page 2                                         

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