Ex parte TROUP-PACKMAN - Page 8

          Appeal No. 1997-2097                                                        
          Application No. 08/191,137                                                  

          position stems, in part, from the fact that the examiner has                
          not pointed to any particularized teachings of the applied                  
          references which would have supported the examiner's reasoning              
          and suggested that a skilled artisan would have been led                    
          thereby to substitute a nickel layer obtained from an                       
          electroless nickel bath for the copper layer of Klingenmaier                
          coupled with a substitution of an iron sulfate bath for the                 
          iron chloride bath of Klingenmaier given Klingenmaier’s                     
          particular interest in forming an iron plated aluminum alloy                
          that had the requisite properties, such as hardness, necessary              
          for an aluminum engine piston.  We particularly note that the               
          examiner has not shown where Loch evidences any concern with a              
          process for forming an iron plated aluminum alloy, let alone                
          such a plated alloy that would have the requisite hardness                  
          property of concern to Klingenmaier.  Nor has the examiner                  
          shown how Shemenski's teachings regarding the formation of a                
          ternary brass coated steel wire element for reinforcing rubber              
          articles or Herbert's concern with electrodepositing iron with              
          improved ferromagnetic properties would have been viewed by a               
          skilled artisan as suggesting an equivalence of iron baths for              
          the rather dissimilar process and product of Klingenmaier.                  
                                       Page 8                                         

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Last modified: November 3, 2007