Ex parte TROUP-PACKMAN - Page 7

          Appeal No. 1997-2097                                                        
          Application No. 08/191,137                                                  

               coatings, and Ni would have been expected to be a                      
               suitable intermediate layer for Klingenmaier’s Fe                      
               coating because Ni and Fe are well known for forming                   
               alloys, hence they would have been expected to form                    
               a compatible interface where no adhesion problems                      
               would have been expected . . . .  The relative                         
               toxicity of a solution is an inherent property and                     
               if the particular nickel, bath is less toxic than                      
               Klingenmaier’s Cu cyanide, that is just an                             
               additional reason for substituting Ni plating for                      
               the Cu coating, as would be recognized by a                            
               responsible and ordinary practitioner in the art.                      
                    While Klingenmaier taught that the FeCl bath                      
               proved optimum for deposition of hard Fe on Cu, one                    
               of ordinary skill in the art would recognize that                      
               for a different intermediate layer, i.e. Ni, routine                   
               experimentation with known Fe plating solutions                        
               would have been needed to re-optimize as one would                     
               not expect different elements to behave identically                    
               with respect to Klingenmaier’s previous                                
               optimization.  Shemenski et al. teach (abstract)                       
               various Fe electroplating solutions . . . that can                     
               be used equivalently for deposition on metal . . . .                   
               It would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill                    
               to consider such teaching of alternate and                             
               equivalent Fe sources for electroplating, when                         
               optimizing through routine experimentation as                          
               discussed above. . . .                                                 
                    . . . Herbert illustrates electroplating iron,                    
               using baths containing iron salts . . . onto                           
               electrically conductive substrates, which include Al                   
               plated with Ni . . . .  Hence, it would have been                      
               abundantly obvious to one of ordinary skill that                       
               given Lock’s teachings as applied to Klingenmaier,                     
               one would have expected the Fe to be electroplated                     
               on the Ni undercoat with acceptable adhesion, as the                   
               prior art explicitly shows that it is known to do                      
               so. (emphasis in original).                                            
               The difficulty we have with the examiner's stated                      

                                       Page 7                                         

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