Ex parte TROUP-PACKMAN - Page 6

          Appeal No. 1997-2097                                                        
          Application No. 08/191,137                                                  

          lines 43-46).                                                               
               Herbert (abstract) evidences the formation of                          
          electroformed and/or electroplated iron with good ferro-                    
          magnetic properties using a titanium-palladium alloy as a                   
          preferred electrode.  Herbert teaches that various iron salts               
          may be used to obtain an iron plated substrate including                    
          ferrous chloride, ferrous ammonium sulfate, ferrous                         
          fluoroborate and ferrous sulfate (column 2, line 66 through                 
          column 3, line 6).  Aluminum plated with nickel is one of                   
          several mandrel materials that is disclosed by Herbert as                   
          being suitable for the iron electrodeposition (column 5, line               
          63 through column 6, line 5).                                               
               The examiner correctly recognizes that Klingenmaier does               
          not disclose the use of a nickel plating step using an                      
          electroless nickel bath prior to electroplating the iron layer              
          and the use of an iron sulfate bath for depositing the iron as              
          called for by the appealed claims herein (answer, page 4).                  
          However, according to the examiner (answer, pages 5-7):                     
               [I]t would have been obvious to one of ordinary                        
               skill in the art to substitute the Ni plating of                       
               Lock for the Cu strike coating of Klingenmaier,                        
               because of the advantages of superior interfacing                      
               taught by Lock in his comparison of the two                            
                                       Page 6                                         

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