Ex parte ZURBUCHEN - Page 6

          Appeal No. 1997-2248                                                        
          Application No. 08/378,513                                                  

          of a fiber-reinforced polyester resin coating and a                         
          resin-impregnated polyester fabric.  As described by Bonnes,                
          in a                                                                        
          preferred method for making the handle                                      
               a wood core section is produced by traditional methods                 
               . . .  .  The layers of the outer shell are prepared by                
               producing a sheet molding compound (“SMC”).  Such an SMC               
               is produced by drawing glass fibers 42 through resin bath              
               44 onto a flat mesh belt 46.  . . .  The resultant                     
               is passed through calender rolls 50 which press it into                
               flat sheet 52.  . . .                                                  
                    An outer veil layer is prepared using polyester                   
               fabric impregnated with resin . . .  . When ready                      
               for use, the sheets 52 are rolled flat and patterns                    
               58, which will conform to core 12, are cut from the                    
               sheet, as shown in FIG. 6.  Patterns 58 are then                       
               wrapped around the wood core beginning with an SMC                     
               layer.  As preferably embodied herein, two or three                    
               SMC layers are wrapped around the wood core.  Next,                    
               the outer veil layer is wrapped around the wood                        
               core.  All of the layers are gathered and                              
               precompressed about the core.                                          
                    The wrapped wood core is placed in a compression                  
                         molding apparatus, as known in the art, and                  
               subject to compression molding which, as embodied                      
               herein, occurs                                                         
               under 400 tons of hydraulic pressure and at a curing                   
                    temperature of 250E-300E F. generated using steam                 
          heat.     Under these conditions, the resin reflows uniformly               
                    throughout the various layers and then cures.                     
          Furthermore, resin penetrates the outer surface of the wood                 
          and bonds      outer shell 14 to the wood core 12 [column 5,                
          line 58,       through column 6, line 31].                                  

               Notwithstanding the examiner’s rather generous assessment              


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