Ex parte ZURBUCHEN - Page 11

          Appeal No. 1997-2248                                                        
          Application No. 08/378,513                                                  

          that the subject matter as a whole would have been obvious at               
          the time the invention was made to a person having ordinary                 
          skill in the art.                                                           
               Accordingly, we shall not sustain the standing 35 U.S.C.               
          § 103 rejection of claims 9 and 14, and of claims 10 through                
          12 and 15 through 18 which depend therefrom, as being                       
          unpatentable over Lucas.                                                    
               Pearson, the primary reference in the last of the                      
          examiner’s rejections, discloses “a ring spanner made wholly                
          of fibre-reinforced plastics, e.g. nylon or polycarbonate,                  
          with the exception of a ring head reinforcing metal ring,                   
          preferably of paramagnetic material, keyed into the fibre-                  
          reinforced plastics” (page 1, lines 35 through 40).                         
               Pearson does not respond to the limitations in claim                   
          20 pertaining to the positioning of a gear insert in a mold                 
          cavity.  Inasmuch as Lucas does not cure this shortcoming, the              
          examiner’s conclusion (see pages 7 and 8 in the answer) that                
          the combined teachings of these references would have                       
          suggested the subject matter recited in claim 20 must fall.                 
               Hence, we shall not sustain the standing 35 U.S.C.                     
          § 103 rejection of claim 20 as being unpatentable over Pearson              

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