Ex parte WARD - Page 7

              Appeal No. 1997-3322                                                                                        
              Application No. 08/353,940                                                                                  

              units minus the linker.”  Examiner’s Answer, page 5.   It is the examiner’s position that it                
              would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art to have separately cloned the                   
              single chain TCR V" and V$ genes according to the methods of Novotny 1991 for                               
              purposes of co-expression of respective genes since it would be expected that the three-                    
              dimensional dimer structure would more closely resemble a native conformation.                              
              Examiner’s Answer, pages 5-6.                                                                               
                     The appellant presents several arguments which remain unrebutted by the                              
              examiner.  First, the appellant argues that its vector claims require secretion of a single T-              
              cell receptor domain in a bacterial periplasm or a culture medium.  Appellant submits that                  
              Novotny 1991 tried and failed to produce secreted T-cell domains.  Brief, page 11.                          
              Novotny 1991 specifically states that “cell fractionation experiments failed to detect scTCR                
              in the periplasm.”  Novotny page 8649, column 2.                                                            
                     Secondly, Novotny 1991 describes a gene encoding the “TCR protein, specific for                      
              the hapten fluorescein in the context of major histocompatibility complex class II and                      
              composed of one V" and V$ domain joined by a flexible [oligonucleotide] linker,                             
              assembled in an Escherichia coli plasmid.”  [Emphasis added.]  Novotny 1991, Abstract.                      
                     In contrast, appellant’s claim a vector including, “(c) a DNA sequence encoding a                    
              V" or V$ T-cell receptor variable domain”, i.e., the DNA sequence encodes either  V" or                     
              V$ T-cell receptor variable domain and not both as in Novotny 1991.  The specification                      


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