Ex parte WARD - Page 9

              Appeal No. 1997-3322                                                                                            
              Application No. 08/353,940                                                                                      

              under 35 U.S.C. § 102(a), such a publication must provide knowledge that the invention                          
              has been completed by a reduction to practice.  This is not the context in which the printed                    
              publication of Ward accompanying the Declaration under 37 CFR                                                   
              § 1.131 presents itself.  In fact, it is well settled that in consideration of Affidavits under 37              
              CFR § 1.131, “office practice does not always insist upon the first records which were                          
              made and that consideration of other records made prior to the date involved is not                             
              prohibited by the rule.”  Ex parte Harrington, Jr., 1967 Dec. Comm’r Pats. 4 (Bd. App.                          
                      We do not now comment on the sufficiency of the Declaration submitted under 37                          
              CFR § 1.131, but only state that its failure to be considered by the examiner is error.                         
              We cannot sustain the rejection of the claims under 35 U.S.C. § 103 in view of Novotny                          
              1991, for the reasons discussed herein.                                                                         
              35 U.S.C. § 103                                                                                                 
                      Claims 1-4, 9-15, 19-33 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as unpatentable for                        
              obviousness over Novotny 1986 in view of Skerra.                                                                
                      Rejection of claimed subject matter as obvious under 35 U.S.C. § 103 in view of a                       
              combination of prior art references requires consideration of whether prior art would have                      
              suggested to those of ordinary skill in art that they should make claimed composition or                        
              device, or carry out claimed process, and whether prior art would also have revealed that                       


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