Ex parte SEABAUGH et al. - Page 9

          Appeal No. 1997-3695                                                        
          Application No. 08/097,526                                                  

          gap between the adjacent quantum well structures.  Nishida on               
          pages 8 and 9 teaches that an opening for the quantum device                
          formation is etched in dielectric mask layer 12 using a                     
          photoresist mask.  Nishida does not provide any teachings                   
          related to the separation of adjacent quantum device regions                
          using a sidewall defined epitaxy mask.  Galeuchet on page                   
          2423, second col. and Fig. 1(b) discloses an array of 280 nm                
          wide and 600 nm apart quantum dots which are selectively                    
          deposited in openings etched in an epitaxy mask layer.                      
          Turning to Johnson, we note that a sidewall mask for etching                
          the gate layer is used to form a submicron gate structure.                  
          Johnson on page 4588 and Figs. 6 and 7 further teaches that                 
          sidewall mask 20 defines small gate feature in the underlying               
          polysilicon layer 14 during an etch process.  We further find               
          that Randall teaches the formation of two quantum dot diodes                
          for studying their operation under local electric field.                    
          Randall does not disclose any selective epitaxial deposition                
          methods using an of epitaxy mask for forming the diode pair.                
          Specifically, Randall on page 2894, section III. and Fig. 3                 
          teaches that a diode pair is manufactured using self-aligned                
          metal masking and etching techniques that leave small features              


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