Ex parte SCHWARTZ et al. - Page 5

          Appeal No. 1998-0632                                                        
          Application 08/301,812                                                      

          to the written description portion of this statutory                        
          In re Higbee, 527 F.2d 1405, 1406, 188 USPQ 488, 489 (CCPA                  
               The test to be applied under the written description                   
          portion of 35 U.S.C. § 112, first paragraph, is whether the                 
          disclosure of the application as originally filed reasonably                
          conveys to the artisan that the inventors had possession at                 
          that time of later claimed subject matter.  Vas-Cath Inc. v.                
          Mahurkar, 935 F.2d 1555, 1563-64, 19 USPQ2d 1111, 1117, (Fed.               
          Cir. 1991).                                                                 
               Appellants' specification as filed makes reference to                  
          their prior application, which has matured into U.S. Patent                 
          5,414,778 issued on May 9, 1995.  The discussion of prior art               
          Figure 1 in this application comprises the Figure 2 showing in              
          this prior patent.  There is no disclosure of the claimed so-               
          called "action station" in the parent application.  As                      
          indicated at the bottom of page 3 of the principal brief on                 
          appeal, the present specification differs from the parent                   


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