Ex parte SCHWARTZ et al. - Page 12

          Appeal No. 1998-0632                                                        
          Application 08/301,812                                                      

               The examiner's concerns with respect to the phrase                     
          "action units" is misplaced as well because such term is                    
          defined at page 11 of the specification as filed at lines 14                
          and 15 by giving examples of them, such as nozzle or heating                
          pads inside the action station itself.  Because bottle sensor               
          103 and bottle sensor 108 and prior Figure 1 senses the bottle              
          positions during filling and after filling respectively, it is              
          possible from the image processor analysis to identify a given              
          fill nozzle 104, for example, as being one which over or under              
          fills the containers 109.  This concept is related to the                   
          correlation and the predicating functions of the claims on                  
          appeal and otherwise generally expressed in the specification               
          as filed as a monitoring and feedback control for the process               
          control of the claimed production line as set forth, for                    
          example, at the end of representative claim 51 on appeal.  An               
          object of the invention as expressed at page 3 is to basically              
          correlate a malfunctioning unit with inspected containers for               
          quality and process control purposes.  An additional object at              
          the bottom of page 4 and at the top of page 5 of the                        
          specification as filed is "to correlate a fill nozzle on a                  


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