Ex parte SCHWARTZ et al. - Page 7

          Appeal No. 1998-0632                                                        
          Application 08/301,812                                                      

          presented claims here are broader than the claims in the                    
          parent patent and that they recite that an action station                   
          creates a dynamic state.                                                    
               The filing of the second terminal disclaimer by                        
          appellants as the second advisory action in the application                 
          file so indicates appears to obviate the concerns of the                    
          examiner with respect to the broader interpretation that may                
          be attributed to the present claims on appeal.   As it is1                             
          clear from the present specification as filed, appellants do                
          not intend and they are not therefore entitled anyway to the                
          effective filing date of their parent application/patent.                   
               In light of the above-noted precedent, there is no                     
          question that the present application on its filing date                    
          provides adequate support within the written description                    
          portion of 35 U.S.C.                                                        
          § 112, first paragraph, for the presently claimed subject                   
          matter of an "action station" in each pending claim on appeal.              
          Therefore, to the extent the examiner's rejection may be                    
          interpreted as asserting there is no support for the claimed                

               1The record does not reflect, however, that the terminal               
          disclaimer has been appropriately recorded.                                 

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