Ex parte SCHWARTZ et al. - Page 14

          Appeal No. 1998-0632                                                        
          Application 08/301,812                                                      

          for easy nozzle adjustment for the right amount of fluid and                
          bubbles inside a container, thereby to provide an automatic                 
          alarm if one of the nozzles on the carousel is off                          
          calibration."  Also as noted in the objects at page 4 of the                
          specification as filed, the system permits a prediction of the              
          final fluid level and the amount of dissolved gasses in                     
          containers while they move on a production line as well as to               
          predict a liquid's viscosity as a function of the rate bubbles              
          in the liquid are dissolving.                                               
               Appellants' specification relies upon their own prior                  
          patent in part to provide some of the methodologies in which                
          these processing actions are effected.  The specification also              
          makes mention, such as at page 9, of another prior patent U.S.              
          5,204,911, issued on April 20, 1993, as well as a prior art                 
          image procesor for embodying the image processor 213 in Figure              
          2.  Our study of this specification and drawings as filed                   
          leads us to conclude that the examiner has not provided a                   
          sufficient basis within 35 U.S.C. § 112, paragraph one, to                  
          question the adequacy of the disclosure as a whole, such that               
          it would require the artisan undue amounts of experimentation               


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