Ex parte SCHWARTZ et al. - Page 11

          Appeal No. 1998-0632                                                        
          Application 08/301,812                                                      

          appellants assert at least at page 3 of the principal brief on              
          appeal.  The nature of the entire specification and drawings                
          as filed is to teach reasonably so, in our view, to the                     
          artisan the ability of the image processor station 30 to                    
          ascertain various dynamic states associated with each of these              
          type of parameters which are well known anyway to determine an              
          end result of a liquid level or a bubble level as set forth in              
          various claims on appeal.  The action station of the claims is              
          also characterized as a force creating station for producing a              
          fluid in a dynamic state in accordance with a brief                         
          description of Figure 2 at page 5 of the specification as                   


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