Ex parte RAITH - Page 2

          Appeal No. 1998-0666                                                        
          Application 08/467,876                                                      

          controls the repeat period for which a mobile unit listens for              
          paging messages.  The system transmits a signal to the mobile               
          unit commanding the mobile unit to either use its currently                 
          assigned repeat period or to use a different repeat period.                 
          Representative claim 13 is reproduced as follows:                           
               13. A method for commanding a remote station to listen                 
          for pages in a radiocommunication system comprising the steps               
               providing a plurality of paging frame classes, each                    
          class having a different repeat period for listening for                    
          paging messages;                                                            
               assigning one of said plurality of paging frame                        
          classes to said remote station when said remote station                     
          registers with said system; and                                             
               transmitting, from said system, a paging frame modifier                
          which commands said mobile to either use said assigned paging               
          frame class or to use a different paging frame class.                       
          The examiner relies on the following reference:                             
          Tayloe et al. (Tayloe)        5,373,506          Dec. 13, 1994              
          (effective filing date of Nov. 26,                                          
          Claims 13-15, 47, 48 and 54-62 stand rejected under 35                      
          U.S.C. § 102(e) as being anticipated by the disclosure of                   
          Tayloe.  Appellant and the examiner have both recognized that               
          dependent claims 60-62 improperly depend from claim 60 rather               
          than claim 59.  For purposes of deciding this appeal, we treat              

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