Ex parte ABEN et al. - Page 3

          Appeal No. 1998-0870                                                        
          Application No. 08/325,015                                                  

               In the case before us, Appellants failed to positively                 
          indicate that the claims do not stand or fall together.                     
          Instead, appellants stated as follows: “Claims 1-9 are                      
          patentable for similar reasons and stand together” (Brief,                  
          page 5).  The examiner interpreted appellants’ statement to                 
          mean that “claims 1-9 stand or fall together” (Answer, page                 
          3).  Although appellants had ample opportunity to dispute the               
          examiner’s interpretation, they did not do so.   Therefore,2                             
          consistent with 37 C.F.R. § 1.192(c)(7) and (c)(8), we select               
          claim 1 from the group of claims and decide this appeal as to               
          the ground of rejection on the basis of claim 1 alone.                      
               Claim 1 is illustrative of the subject matter on appeal                
          and is reproduced below:                                                    
                    1.  A display device comprising a display screen                  
               having an antistatic, light-absorbing coating which                    
               contains latex particles of electrconductive [sic]                     
               polypyrrole, characterized in that the coating                         
               predominately consists of a homogeneous mixture of                     
               said latex particles of polypyrrole, a steric                          
               stabilizer for said particles of polypyrrole and                       
               antimony-doped tin oxide particles.3                                   

               2Cf. Ex parte Schier, 21 USPQ2d 1016, 1019 (Bd. Pat. App. & Int. 1991).
               3We note that the copy of claim 1 in the appendix to the Brief does not
          correspond identically to claim 1 presented in the Amendment filed September
          10, 1996.  Claim 1 reproduced here corresponds to amended claim 1 presented in

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