Ex parte ABEN et al. - Page 4

          Appeal No. 1998-0870                                                        
          Application No. 08/325,015                                                  

               The examiner has relied upon the following references as               
          evidence of obviousness:                                                    
          Armes et al. (Armes)          4,959,162           Sept. 25, 1990            
          Wessling et al. (Wessling)    5,476,612           Dec.  19, 1995            
                                             (Filed Nov. 9, 1992)                     
          De Boer                       533,256             Mar.  24, 1993            
          (Published European Patent Application)                                     
          Kinoshita et al. (Kinoshita)       585,819             Mar.                 
               9, 1994                                                                
          (Published European Patent Application)                                     

               The issue presented before us is whether the examiner                  
          correctly rejected claims 1 through 9 under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as              
          unpatentable over the combined teachings of Kinoshita, De                   
          Boer, Armes and Wessling (Answer, page 4).  Based on our                    
          review of the entire record, we affirm the examiner’s                       
          rejection essentially for the reasons stated in the Answer.                 
          We add the following comments for emphasis and completeness.                

               We begin our consideration of the issue before us by                   
          determining the scope of any contested claimed subject matter.              

          the aforementioned Amendment.                                               

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