Ex parte ANDERSON et al. - Page 6

          Appeal No. 1998-3035                                                        
          Application No. 08/580,036                                                  

          reasonableness so as to shift the burden to Appellants to come              
          forward with evidence to rebut the Examiner’s position.                     
               A review of Appellants’ response on the record, however,               
          reveals that, rather than presenting arguments and/or evidence              
          challenging the Examiner’s interpretation of the operation of               
          the disclosed clock circuitry, such response instead merely                 
          reiterates their own interpretation by referencing various                  
          portions of their specification.  No evidence, for example, in              
          the form of a Rule 132 declaration suggested earlier in the                 
          prosecution by the Examiner as a possible avenue for resolving              
          the disputed circuit operation interpretation, has been                     
          forthcoming from Appellants.  In addition, we note that the                 
          Examiner has amplified his comments regarding the operation of              
          Appellants’ clock circuitry in the “Response to Arguments”                  
          portion of the Answer (pages 5 and 6).  We do not have the                  
          benefit of Appellants’ thoughts on the Examiner’s comments                  
          since, rather than submit a Reply Brief, Appellants have                    
          chosen to let their position on the record stand based purely               
          on arguments of counsel.  The arguments of counsel, however,                
          cannot take the place of evidence in the record.  In re                     


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