Ex parte CHIEN et al. - Page 3

          Appeal No. 1998-1548                                       Page 3           
          Application No. 08/660,304                                                  

          (Japanese Patent Application)                                               
          Admitted prior art (APA), Figures 1-4 and associated                        
          in the specification.                                                       

               Claims 1-8, 11-17, 19, and 21-22 stand rejected under 35               
          U.S.C. § 103(a) as being unpatentable over the APA in view of               
          Oka and Tominaga.                                                           
               Claims 9-10, 18, and 20 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C.                 
          § 103(a) as unpatentable over the APA, Oka, Tominaga, and                   
          further in view of Kitakata.                                                
               Rather than reiterate the conflicting viewpoints advanced              
          by the examiner and appellants regarding the above-noted                    
          rejections, we make reference to the examiner's answer (Paper               
          No. 10, mailed December 22, 1997) for the examiner's complete               
          reasoning in support of the rejections, and to appellants'                  
          brief (Paper No. 9, filed October 16, 1997) for appellants'                 
          arguments thereagainst.                                                     

               In reaching our decision in this appeal, we have                       
          carefully considered the subject matter on appeal, the                      

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