Ex Parte GROSSER et al - Page 2

          Appeal No. 2002-0236                                                        
          Application No. 08/911,494                                                  

          Appellants' invention relates to an apparatus and method for                
          metering fuel in a motor vehicle and, more particularly, to a               
          system which acts to eliminate, in a reliable and cost effective            
          manner, the danger of fuel discharge under high pressure, e.g.,             
          such as the high pressure present in a fuel supply rail of a fuel           
          injection system, in the event of an accident.  More                        
          specifically, appellants' invention relates to an arrangement               
          wherein there is provided a means or system for reducing the                
          pressure and a means or system for issuing a signal relevant to             
          vehicle safety, with fuel pressure being reduced in response to             
          the signal relevant to vehicle safety.  Independent claims 1 and            
          7 are representative of the subject matter on appeal and a copy             
          of those claims, as they appear in the Appendix to appellants'              
          brief, is attached to this decision.                                        

          The prior art references of record relied upon by the                       
          examiner in rejecting the appealed claims are:                              
          Yoshino                  5,043,898                Aug. 27, 1991             
          Katayama et al.          5,091,857                Feb. 25, 1992             

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Last modified: November 3, 2007