Ex Parte GROSSER et al - Page 6

          Appeal No. 2002-0236                                                        
          Application No. 08/911,494                                                  

          Appellants' argument in their reply brief (page 2) that                     
          there is no suggestion to combine Minagawa with Katayama is                 
          unpersuasive.  While it may be true that the secondary reference            
          to Minagawa does not teach or suggest reducing fuel pressure in a           
          fuel rail in response to a safety signal like that in appellants'           
          claim 1 on appeal and in Katayama, that does not mean that there            
          is no suggestion to combine these two references in the manner              
          posited by the examiner.  For the reason already indicated above,           
          we fully support the examiner's position that it would have been            
          obvious to utilize a fuel rail like that in Minagawa in the fuel            
          injector system described in Katayama.  Moreover, we further                
          consider that it would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill           
          in the art at the time of appellants' invention to have provided            
          the fuel injection system of Katayama with a fuel supply                    
          apparatus like that in Minagawa in order to obtain the benefits             
          of both the driving force control or safety system of Katayama              
          and the fuel supply apparatus disclosed in Minagawa.  Appellants            
          have provided no specific argument to the contrary.                         

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Last modified: November 3, 2007