Ex Parte GROSSER et al - Page 12

          Appeal No. 2002-0236                                                        
          Application No. 08/911,494                                                  

                                       Claim 1                                        
          1.     An apparatus for metering fuel in a motor vehicle, wherein           
          the motor vehicle includes a vehicle safety system that modifies            
          a braking effect on at least one vehicle wheel brake and wherein            
          the vehicle safety system, upon detection of a safety condition,            
          generates a safety signal relating to a safe operation of the               
          motor vehicle, comprising:                                                  
          a system reducing a fuel pressure in a rail in response to                  
          the safety signal.                                                          
                                       Claim 7                                        
          7.     A method for metering a fuel in a motor vehicle including            
          a rail having fuel with a defined fuel pressure, comprising the             
          steps of:                                                                   
          modifying a braking effect on at least one vehicle wheel                    
          upon detection of a safety condition, generating a safety                   
          signal relating to a safe operation of the motor vehicle; and               
          reducing the defined fuel pressure in response to the                       
          safety signal.                                                              

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