Ex Parte GROSSER et al - Page 7

          Appeal No. 2002-0236                                                        
          Application No. 08/911,494                                                  

          (e.g., a signal generated by a vehicle safety system upon                   
          detection of a safety condition, wherein the safety signal                  
          relates to a safe operation of the motor vehicle), we find such             
          arguments unpersuasive.  It is clear from a reading of Katayama's           
          discussion of the embodiment seen in Figures 1 and 2 (i.e., col.            
          2, line 45 - col. 5, line 8) that there is provided a system and            
          method for metering fuel in a motor vehicle wherein that system             
          controls a driving force (by cutting off fuel supplied to the               
          fuel injectors) to meet a brake demand to thereby cause the                 
          vehicle to obey the brake demand, particularly in the situation             
          where the Master Vac (3) seen in Figure 1 ceases to operate                 
          properly.  Thus, when the brake fluid pressure P  is greater thanB                           
          or equal to a preset value P  for a predetermined period ofBSET                                            
          time, the system of Katayama decides that a safety condition has            
          occurred and instructs a fuel-cut signal (safety signal) to be              
          sent to the control unit (20).  In response to the fuel-cut                 
          signal (safety signal), the control unit (20) performs a fuel-cut           
          function to suspend fuel injection via the injectors (23),                  

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