Ex Parte GROSSER et al - Page 5

          Appeal No. 2002-0236                                                        
          Application No. 08/911,494                                                  

          fuel rail, like that set forth in claims 1 and 6 through 8 on               

          However, Minagawa discloses that it is conventional in a                    
          fuel supply apparatus for injecting fuel into an intake port of             
          an internal combustion engine to use a fuel rail to provide high            
          pressure fuel to the injectors and to keep the pressure of the              
          fuel supplied to the injectors at a predetermined pressure (see,            
          for example, col. 1, lines 17-26).  Appellants' specification, at           
          page 1, lines 5-14, also appears to indicate that such an                   
          arrangement was known to be conventional in a fuel injection                
          system for internal combustion engines.                                     

          Based on our evaluation of the collective teachings of                      
          Katayama and Minagawa, we are in agreement with the examiner that           
          it would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art at           
          the time appellants' invention was made to have provided the fuel           
          injection system of Katayama with a fuel rail like that in                  

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