Ex Parte LOBLEY et al - Page 2

              Appeal No. 2001-2055                                                                   Page 2                 
              Application No. 08/750,870                                                                                    

                     Figures 1a and 1b of the appellants' specification depict their conception of                          
              "known techniques for IN call set-up. . . ."  (Appeal Br. at 4.)  As shown thereby, when a                    
              user has a call or other service request, a communications connection is established                          
              between the user's terminal 1 and a switch 2 via communications link 4.  The                                  
              connection can carry both signaling and call traffic.  If a request requires further                          
              processing, the switch 2 directs the request to a service control unit 3 (step 23) via a                      
              control link 6.  The service control unit 3 provides the further processing required to                       
              complete the call request or to perform some other service request (step 24).                                 

                     When the switch 2 requests further processing from the service control unit 3,                         
              the latter may fail the call and cause the switch 2 to release the communication                              
              connection due to a service mismatch, customer specific service (e.g., outgoing calls                         
              barred), or called party terminal state (e.g., a busy condition).  Consequently, besides a                    
              signaling channel, a traffic channel will have been connected on the communications                           
              link 4 from the user terminal 1 to the switch 2 and in the switch 2 itself, and then not                      
              used.  Because the traffic channel was allocated to the failed call attempt, it could not                     

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